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Are you experiencing physical limitations due to an injury or condition? Whether you are encountering pain or having trouble completing daily tasks, we can help. Our highly qualified team of licensed therapists will work closely with you and your doctor to create a personalized treatment plan that will improve the way you feel and get you back on your feet.


While we are dedicated to the injury recovery of our patients, we value and promote leading a healthy lifestyle. Our fitness programs aim to equip our patients with the knowledge of safe workout practices and offer strategies for injury prevention.

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What to Expect on the First Visit


During your first visit, your Physical or Occupational Therapist will conduct a comprehensive assessment that includes strength and flexibility tests as well as observation of functional moments preformed on regular basis. Based on the assessments your physical therapist will develop a specialized plan of treatment specifically tailored to your needs.


Although a majority of the initial visit is occupied by this assessment, your therapist will provide you with a plan of action to improve your physical limitations.This initial visit is crucial to the success of your physical therapy treatment. It is important that you convey accurate information about your injury, prior medical history, and any concerns you may be having.




To ensure patient satisfaction and ensure your appointment runs as smooth and efficient as possible, we ask that you please bring the following things.

  • Referral from your doctor: This can be faxed to use via your referring doctor or it can be brought in at the time of the Initial Evaluation

  • Insurance Card(s), Drivers License 

  • If you wish to reduce your wait time you can print and fill out the patient intake forms. Please bring these completed forms to your appointment and present them to the front desk.

  • If you have a long medication/injury history please write all information down prior to your initial visit.

  • Please wear clothes that are comfortable and appropriate to preform exercises given by your therapist.

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